Minimalism: Why Less Is More

Embracing Simplicity for a Better Life

By Steve
May 7, 2023
Minimalism: Why Less Is More

Minimalism is a lifestyle and design philosophy that revolves around the idea that less is more. It has gained popularity in recent years as people search for ways to break free from the clutter, distractions, and consumerism that often weigh them down. By focusing on fewer possessions and simplifying one's life, minimalists believe they can experience enhanced freedom, contentment, and peace of mind.

At its core, minimalism encourages individuals to be more intentional and deliberate about the choices they make in their daily lives. By removing unnecessary objects, commitments, and habits, a minimalist lifestyle allows people to make room for what truly matters—whether that be personal growth, meaningful relationships, or fulfilling experiences. In addition, embracing a minimalist mindset can lead to a greater sense of productivity, joy, and reduced stress, ultimately contributing to a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

History and Philosophy of Minimalism

Origins and Influencers

The philosophy of minimalism has roots reaching back 2,500 years, with figures such as Diogenes being considered as a forerunner to the minimalist lifestyle. Minimalism as a philosophy emphasizes living more with less. Its principles involve accumulating material things that bring value to life, decluttering physical belongings, and reducing mental distractions.

In modern times, the minimalist movement has broadened its scope to include areas such as art, fashion, architecture, literature, and music. Various influencers have contributed to the development and popularization of minimalism, making it a diverse and flexible concept that embodies the essence of "less is more."

Minimalism as an Art Movement

Minimalism emerged as a distinct art movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s, primarily in American visual art. Its influence can be seen in a wide range of disciplines, including music, architecture, and design. This movement was characterized by:

Minimalism in art was seen as a direct rejection of the 19th century's idea of Darwinian progress that had been at the core of modernism. By focusing on simplicity and stripping down elements to their core, minimalism brought a new perspective to the art world and a fresh take on the concept of beauty and aesthetics.

Minimalism as a Lifestyle Philosophy

Having evolved from its origins in art and philosophy, minimalism has found its way into daily life as a lifestyle choice, impacting how people interact with their surroundings and possessions. The core message in minimalism is to only accumulate material things that bring value to life while getting rid of unnecessary clutter and reducing mental distractions.

Adopting a minimalist lifestyle can lead to numerous benefits, such as:

  • Reduced stress

  • Greater focus on priorities

  • Increased savings

  • More sustainable living

  • Enhanced mindfulness and self-awareness

Minimalism as a lifestyle philosophy allows people to re-evaluate their relationship with material possessions, emphasizing quality over quantity and making space for what truly matters in life.

Principles and Key Elements of Minimalism

Value-based Approach

The minimalist approach emphasizes focusing on the essentials, prioritizing value in all aspects of life. Minimalism encourages reducing material possessions and consumer habits, promoting a lifestyle where less is more. This mindset helps to highlight the importance of one's values and evaluating decisions based on their impact on personal well-being and long-term goals.


A cornerstone of minimalism is living with intentionality in every area of life, from work and personal relationships to material possessions. By being mindful and deliberate with decisions, individuals can focus on what truly matters and prioritize their actions accordingly. This intentional living element in minimalism emphasizes the need to declutter, simplify, and pursue only the things that add value and meaning to one's life.


Minimalist design is characterized by a focus on simplicity, whether in architecture, artwork, or other visual experiences. Minimalism in design reduces elements such as color, form, and space to their essential nature, stripping away unnecessary components to create an uncluttered, refined appearance. The philosophy embraces the belief that excess is a distraction, often hindering rather than enhancing one's experience and appreciation of the subject.

In summary, the pillars of minimalism are value-based living, intentionality, and simplification, all working together to promote a lifestyle where less is more, and true value is found in the essentials.

Minimalism in Everyday Life

Decluttering and Organizing

Minimalism in everyday life often starts with decluttering and organizing one's possessions. By getting rid of unnecessary items and prioritizing what truly matters, individuals can create a more streamlined and efficient living environment. This process not only simplifies daily routines and decision-making but also can lead to a greater sense of clarity and focus. Embracing minimalism in this aspect of life can have positive impacts on mental health and overall well-being, making it easier to navigate life with less stress and distractions.

Consumerism and Spending

One of the keys to adopting a minimalist lifestyle is reconsidering one's relationship with consumerism and spending habits. With the societal emphasis on acquiring more possessions and constantly seeking the newest and latest items, minimalism serves as a counterbalance to this mentality by encouraging conscious and intentional spending. By focusing on purchasing only what truly adds value and sticking to items that serve a purpose, individuals can not only save money but also reduce their ecological footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Clothing and Fashion

Minimalism can also be applied to clothing and fashion choices. With the rise of fast fashion and the constant pressure to keep up with ever-changing trends, it's easy to fall into the trap of amassing large wardrobes full of clothing that is rarely worn or no longer serves its purpose. By curating a thoughtful, versatile wardrobe composed of items that are comfortable, durable, and timeless, individuals can not only streamline their morning routine and reduce decision fatigue but also contribute to making the fashion industry more sustainable by supporting brands focused on ethical production and reducing waste.

Benefits of Minimalism

Financial Well-being

Embracing minimalism can lead to significant improvements in one's financial well-being. By consuming less and being more mindful of purchases, individuals can save money and reduce overall expenses. This approach allows for wiser spending and helps avoid accumulating unnecessary debt. With a minimalist mindset, people tend to invest in quality goods that have longer lifespans, thereby decreasing the need for frequent replacements. This lifestyle choice also frees up resources that can be put towards things that truly matter, such as memorable experiences, travel, or investments in one's future.

Mental and Emotional Health

Minimalism has several notable benefits on mental and emotional health. By reducing the amount of clutter and possessions in one's life, individuals can experience:

  • Improved focus: Less stuff means fewer distractions, enabling better concentration on critical tasks, relaxation, and spending time with loved ones.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety: A minimalist lifestyle helps maintain a clear mind since less mental energy is directed towards negative thoughts or overwhelming responsibilities.

  • Enhanced gratitude: By appreciating what one has and focusing on the things they love, people practicing minimalism develop a stronger sense of gratitude, fostering feelings of contentment.

Environmental Sustainability

Adopting a minimalist lifestyle can also have a positive impact on the environment. By consuming less, individuals contribute to reduced waste production, lower energy consumption, and decreased demand for natural resources. A minimalist approach to consumerism encourages individuals to seek sustainable alternatives and promote eco-friendly practices. In turn, this can lead to a decrease in pollution and a smaller ecological footprint, which benefits both current and future generations.

Minimalism and Personal Well-being

Happiness and Satisfaction

Minimalism can have a positive impact on an individual's happiness and satisfaction. By prioritizing and valuing experiences and relationships over material possessions, people can find greater contentment in their lives. One study found that those who place a high priority on materialistic goals tend to have lower-quality interpersonal relationships and lower personal wellbeing. On the other hand, focusing on meaningful experiences and connections can lead to greater happiness and life satisfaction.

Focus and Productivity

Adopting a minimalist approach can also improve focus and productivity in various aspects of life. When people declutter their living and working spaces, they create a more conducive environment for concentration and clear thinking. As a result, they can increase their productivity and efficiency by removing unnecessary distractions. Moreover, a minimalist lifestyle can lead to more intentional use of time, allowing individuals to allocate their energy towards pursuits that align with their values and goals.

  • Benefits of Minimalism in Focus and Productivity:

    • Reduced distractions

    • Clearer thinking

    • Intentional use of time

    • Alignment with values and goals

Purpose and Meaning

Minimalism can foster a sense of purpose and meaning by encouraging people to reassess their priorities and make intentional choices. By simplifying their lives and focusing on what truly matters to them, individuals can create space for personal growth, reflection, and the pursuit of their passions. This shift in focus allows them to experience a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

Incorporating minimalism into one's life can lead to a plethora of benefits in various facets, including personal well-being. By focusing on happiness and satisfaction, enhancing focus and productivity, and fostering a sense of purpose and meaning, individuals can experience a richer, more fulfilling life through the practice of minimalism.

Minimalism in the Digital World

Digital Minimalism

Digital minimalism is a strategy that aims to optimize the use of technology while preventing individuals from being overwhelmed by it. The concept was popularized in Cal Newport's book, Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World. The main idea behind digital minimalism is to determine which digital activities truly add value to one's life and to focus on them, letting go of the unnecessary digital distractions.

Social Media and Screen Time

Social media can be a significant source of digital clutter and, if not managed carefully, can contribute to increased screen time. Part of digital minimalism involves critically examining the role of social media in one's life and setting boundaries on its usage to avoid becoming consumed by it. Some recommendations for minimizing screen time include:

  • Setting specific times for social media usage

  • Disabling non-essential notifications

  • Using tools to track and limit screen time

By consciously regulating social media and screen time, individuals can reclaim focused attention and enrich their daily lives.

Decluttering Digital Spaces

In addition to social media and screen time management, decluttering digital spaces such as emails, apps, and files can foster a sense of minimalism in the digital domain. A few suggestions for decluttering digital spaces include:

  • Regularly cleaning out and organizing email inboxes

  • Eliminating unnecessary apps and streamlining the ones that remain

  • Organizing files, folders, and cloud storage

  • Use Superdense as your compact bookmark manager to easy access the sites and web apps you visit the most.

Adopting a minimalist mindset in digital spaces can lead to increased productivity and a more focused, satisfying online experience.

Minimalist Aesthetics and Design

Minimalism is an artistic and design movement that focuses on simplicity and the beauty of space. By adopting a "less is more" philosophy, minimalists aim to create functional, elegant, and visually appealing living spaces and objects.

Minimalist Home and Furniture

Minimalist homes prioritize open space, clean lines, and an overall uncluttered atmosphere. The focus is on using simple, high-quality materials such as natural wood, glass, and metal, to create functional and aesthetically pleasing environments. Furniture with minimalist design often features streamlined shapes, neutral colors, and subtle textures that help to maintain a sense of calm and order in the space. Some key elements of minimalist home and furniture design include:

  • Use of open space: Minimalist homes utilize open floor plans and large windows to create the illusion of more space and bring in natural light.

  • Neutral color palette: Light, neutral colors such as white, gray, and beige dominate minimalist interiors to create a harmonious and serene atmosphere.

  • Functional, high-quality furniture: Minimalist furniture is designed to be functional and elegant, crafted from high-quality materials for longevity.

Marie Kondo and the KonMari Method

Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant, has gained international acclaim for her approach to minimalist living. Her KonMari Method revolves around the process of decluttering and organizing spaces by keeping only items that "spark joy." By removing excess belongings and focusing on items that truly bring happiness, individuals can create functional, minimalist spaces that promote well-being. Some key principles of the KonMari Method include:

  • Tidying by category: Instead of decluttering room by room, Kondo advises to sort items by categories (clothes, books, etc.) and then evaluate their importance.

  • Spark joy: Keep only the items that truly bring happiness, and discard those that don't contribute positively to one's life.

  • Simple storage solutions: Organizing items in easily accessible, streamlined storage systems helps maintain the minimalist aesthetic of a space.

Minimalist Art and Design

Minimalist art and design emerged in the late 1960s, challenging traditional ideas of artistic expression by focusing on simplicity, clean lines, and the beauty of materials used in the art forms. The movement is characterized by the use of geometric shapes, monochromatic color palettes, and an emphasis on negative space. In the world of design, minimalism can be seen in simple, functional products with understated aesthetics that evoke a sense of harmony and balance. Some characteristics of minimalist art and design include:

  • Simplicity of form: Minimalist designs focus on basic geometric shapes and clean lines, avoiding unnecessary embellishments or elaborate decoration.

  • Monochromatic colors: Minimalist art and design often embrace a limited color palette, consisting of only one or a few muted hues.

  • Emphasis on negative space: Minimalist design emphasizes the importance of empty space, allowing the viewer to appreciate the simplicity and beauty of the artwork or object.

By embracing the minimalist aesthetic in homes, artwork, and personal organization, individuals can create visually appealing and functional spaces that promote a sense of calm, order, and overall well-being.

Influential Minimalists

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, also known as The Minimalists, are renowned figures in the world of minimalism. Together, they embarked on a journey to remove the excess from their lives and focus on the essentials. Their philosophy revolves around the premise that living a life with less material possessions can lead to greater contentment and experiences.

Through their blog, podcast, and best-selling books, Joshua and Ryan share their experiences with minimalism and explore how this lifestyle can benefit others. They emphasize the importance of asking the question, "Does this add value to my life?" while making decisions about material possessions and commitments.

Leo Babauta

Leo Babauta, the creator of Zen Habits, is another influential figure in the realm of minimalism. His blog focuses on how adopting minimalist principles can lead to the development of positive habits, increased productivity, and a more intentional life.

Babauta's minimalism journey began when he started simplifying his personal and professional life. Through his writing, he shares his experiences and offers practical advice on embracing minimalism, such as:

  • Prioritizing

  • Decluttering

  • Simplifying daily routines

  • Creating mental space

In addition to promoting the minimalist lifestyle, Leo Babauta is an advocate for living a more eco-friendly, sustainable life. His work has inspired countless individuals to adopt principles of minimalism and live a life filled with purpose, intention, and contentment.

Criticism and Misconceptions of Minimalism

Overemphasis on Material Possessions

Critics of minimalism argue that the movement puts too much focus on material possessions, rather than the pursuit of experiences or personal growth. They believe that by only concentrating on reducing physical belongings, people might lose sight of the broader goals of living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

In addition, minimalism can lead to a sense of competition where people compare the number of items they own, which is counterproductive to the original intention of simplifying and improving one's life. This overemphasis on possessions can also encourage an unhealthy cycle of decluttering and reacquiring when individuals are not addressing the root cause of their consumption habits.

Inaccessibility to a Wider Audience

Minimalism has been criticized for being an exclusive and privileged lifestyle, as the New Yorker article highlights. This notion comes from the fact that minimalism often requires an initial financial investment to declutter and replace items with high-quality, long-lasting alternatives. For many people with limited resources, this investment may not be feasible.

Moreover, minimalism can sometimes be associated with a certain aesthetic of clean lines, neutral colors, and expensive materials. This can make it seem inaccessible to a wider audience, as not everyone has the means to invest in such an aesthetic, nor the desire to conform to this specific style.

It is essential to recognize that the core principles of minimalism can be adapted to different lifestyles and budgets, focusing on the broader goal of living intentionally and appreciating what we have.

By addressing these criticisms and misconceptions, minimalism can continue to evolve and remain a relevant option for people seeking a simpler and more intentional way of life, regardless of their background or financial situation.


Embracing a minimalist mindset can lead to greater productivity, joy, and reduced stress, ultimately contributing to a more balanced and fulfilling existence. Superdense may not be the holy grail for every situation, but it will surely help you organize your favorite websites. 😇